Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I think I'm serious

about drawing a book called MY DOG IS AN ASSHOLE.
I have even done some sketches:

Monday, May 10, 2010

So on and so forth.

I found a great tumblr today.

I knew it was awesome when I found our good buddy here:

I haven't gotten any new rings since the rat & the octopus. This sword from nOir is pretty sweet.

Sunday, May 09, 2010



Best birthday game, right? I was partly inspired by this Kate Beaton comic, which I am obsessed with.

Friday, May 07, 2010

So, how about that Peter Gabriel, eh?

A simple embroidery for my special fellow, who digs him some Genesis era Peter Gabriel.

Here's some reference for those of you that might be unfamiliar with him (read: every girl ever)...

He wore a fox head. And there you have it.


Oh snap, I forgot to finish a whisker. Something interesting must have happened on the ol' TV.

As much as I would like to be EDUCATIONAL and EDU-TAINMENT-AL, my knowledge of the guy is restricted to weird shit he wore. And he wore a lot of other weird shit on his head! Observe!


A Flower.

A Box.

OK so apparently he liked to wear all my favorite euphemisms for lady-parts.

BUT SRSLY FOLKS! I really am going to make a children's picture book called PETER GABRIEL, WHAT IS ON YOUR HEAD? It's gonna be cute! Phil Collins and Marc Bolan might make an appearance, but not David Bowie because he would steal that show like no one's business.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Phase 2
Because one dinosaur on a surfboard isn't enough. Yes, he is wearing an old-timey bathing suit.

And Ray-Bans.

And a beret.

YESSSSSSS. My mug turned out pretty OK so it is time to try some totes. Totes time, if you will.
I'm more excited about this other mug. hahaha it's so stupid.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Maaaagical Doodles!

I got a new ink pen and ink, which I haven't played with in years. Of course, instead of actually committing myself to any real sort of illustration, i just did slightly fancier doodles. I couldn't be arsed (that's british-speak for I am very lazy) to clean them up. That scanner is so yellow. It's jaundiced.

But I digress:

April Showers sounds like a stripper name. haha MAKE IT RAIN!